Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Some stuff

These are my references. Nina I really like your idea. I actually envisioned your idea in the style of Tim Burton's 9 in the form of an fps. Not your typical looking game.

My idea was a full-scale city like new york, set in the 1950's post WWII. The streets are desolate and empty with people being controlled by a society of rulers that live in the sky in floating mini city/airships. Rich families live in the skies but the new generation are unaware of the situation. The ground is off limits. Main character is a younger male, around 18 years who was born into a family living in the skies. He takes a ship and is on his way to send a message to someone (details need to be tweaked or inserted) "he reads about the rebels in the message".
His ship crashes down into the city on the ground. Streets are empty. A factory has bright lights emanating from inside. People are working. They have little virus robot things in chipped in their brains. 
Young Male sees a robot-like creature watching over the people. Male kills it (details). People are ordered to chase after the male. Rebels come in from below and kill them all. The people are unrepairable because the robotic manipulation of the mind erases everything so the rebels have no choice but to kill them. Young Male joins the rebels and fights the sky society.

I don't know lol thats just a quick idea. 


  1. Your idea is very interesting, and I like it! Maybe when we get everyone else's input, we can decide what to go with. Another little idea I had for my story was a kind of 'Bioshock' eque decision system. If you've ever played Fallout 3, there's a part where you discover a group of people who have been living in dream land for 200 years, their bodies being kept alive but they're in a permanent limbo being controlled by this overlord guy who's getting a kick out of killing them in really grotesque ways. The AUNTS and UNCLES can be controlling very wealthy and influential people to keep a permanent dream state, maybe you have to decide whether to free them, resulting in permanent psychological damage to the host but allowing them to live, or killing them, ending their misery but you know...its' evil (that's the Bioshock part). Maybe you get something out of it, I don't know. We'll have to smooth out the kinks later! :)

  2. Oh I see, having the AUNTS and UNCLES the high power instead of the wealthy people seems way more interesting and in depth. The "choice" aspect is really interesting and it could really drive different kinds of plots. We'll have to get everyone else's perspective and stories first though, but good ideas! I like how these ideas really ground the direction and feeling the final vision should have.

  3. Yep, it can even be that killing some of them is more beneficial to you, but makes a harder impact on the world around you. We'd have to find some way of incorporating surrealism in there, like maybe you can encounter some 'breaks' in the dream world - kinda Matrixy, or maybe you can alter the dream-state. I don't know. I was thinking that the A.I or whatever we end up being the main antagonists - they aren't really bad, they want humanity to be at peace, and the only way they can truly do that is through permanent control. Or maybe they can be sick sadistic jerks. Either way is fun!

  4. OKay so tomorrow Bobby promised us some team time to get our ideas together and stuff, I love these, but really want to hear it from you guys in person...then we can all pitch in. Though "society of rulers that live in the sky in floating mini city/airships" is pretty sick idea. Though honestly I don't know how we can incorporate our artist style or ideas into this, but I guess we'll figure it out.

  5. Awesome, glad to hear it. We're really gonna need it. Artistic style is gonna be tough, maybe just how the characters are designed or elements (ex. he always has females in his pictures?)

  6. Hey guys, I found this interesting quote that can maybe explain artificial intelligence incorporated with WWII.

    "The ultimate test of artificial intelligence was developed by Alan Turing, a British mathematician famous for the invention of the theoretical Turing machine and for the deciphering of the German codes during World War II. The Turig's test is basically a very simple test. You place something (or someone) behind a curtain and then have it speak with you. If you cannot determine whether this entity is an actual human or a computer, it passes the test and can be considered a true form of Artificial Intelligence. So far, there has been nothing created that has been able pass this test. This definition also suggests that an Intellect is a person with knowledge that has been gained from living and experiencing real life. So ultimately the definition of artificial intelligence is a device that can communicate with us jus as another human being can and has the ability to learn and adapt through experience. Scary if you think about it. If these machines with their extensive computing ability can learn from their experiences and then evolve to the next level, would they determine that human life is a detriment to the earth and to their existence?"

    An artificial intelligence (AI) was developed during WWII; maybe in our world, this went even further - and then too far? Maybe it gained awareness, and didn't understand why we make war?

  7. Wow these are all great ideas! I'm fueled now! Samuel I could of sworn a watched a movie that is very similar to your story. I will try to look for that movie, and maybe we can get more inspiration from it. Have you guys watched Astro boy the 2009 movie series? I recommend seeing it on your free time if you haven't yet. I think it was actually pretty good and it can really tie down with what we have going.

  8. I haven't watched Astro Boy, but I'll give it a look. I drew 10 concepts for some ideas in my head I will share tomorrow. Can't wait to see what you guys got.
